Asked Questions


How do you say “Mise”?

It is pronounced “meez” [\ˈmēz,ˈmīz\], and it’s derived from the french term “mise en place”, meaning: “putting in place” or “everything in its place.” Culturally, it has transformed into a state of mind and way of operating within the cooking world. However, you can find its essence — preparation, orderliness, organization — almost everywhere!

How do I add a recipe?

Click the “Add Recipe” button. A form will pop up with empty fields. Voila!

How do I reorder my ingredients?

When you’re on the “Add” or “Edit” page, you can press and drag the lines on the left side to move an ingredient. We love this feature, and hope you do too.

How do I delete an ingredient? Or a reference?

Swipe left on the row and a “Delete” button will appear. Click on “Delete” and your ingredient will disappear. The “References” section behaves the same way.

Why can’t I add a recipe without a title?

Forgive us, you just can’t. You can make a temporary label though like, “Draft 1” or “Fave Pasta?” and then edit it when you’re ready to commit. You can change it later, too.

Are you going to email me when you add new features?

If you want! We figured you have enough emails coming your way. We’ll open up the sign up sheet below and see how many people are interested. Otherwise, just wait till the App Store alerts you to an update.




Did you know that there are more potential recipes than atoms in the universe?
